"Don't be silly. You don't know me like you think you do. And you can't possibly love me."
"But I do. Of course I do. Our souls were born at the same time, side by side. We have in fact wandered the expanses of the world to find each other, our spirits like planets in rotation around a sun, and here we are. Did you not look for me like I looked for you?"
"How do you know that. You don't know that. What the hell are you talking about?!"
"I DO know that. It was written that we are all made, two pieces of the same thing. You were taken from me, and I from you. We were lost from each other, and here we are found."
"Excuse me?"
"Don't worry about it. Its hard to explain."
Deep down something small was telling me he was right. I know it sounds crazy. I know HE sounds crazy. But I could feel my strength and my mind and maybe even my heart so clearly. I was not confused. I could see everything in more definition than ever before. Could he really be right? Was it all because HE sat inches from me, his hand centimeters away from mine on the wooden slats of the bench. My very skin tingled all over and urged me to touch him.
"Do you know how hard it is for me not to?"
I raised my eyes to his. They were green, just like mine.
"To what?"
"To touch you."
"Who said anything about touching?"
"I can feel that you want to."
I laughed suddenly and uneasily. His immediate smiling response was adorable.
"You can FEEL me?" I laughed. "Thats hilarious. What is this?" He looked back at me, unblinking. "You know what? You are crazy-bizarre, my friend. What the hell..."
"Stop covering yourself with that laughter. I know you. I told you."
I stopped smiling toward the bus stop on the corner and suddenly felt it. He knew me. He knew me somehow. ... My face changed, and I refused to admit it. "I have no idea who you are at all."
"But you know that I know you. You know I do. And you know me too, you know. You just need to remember."
"Remember what?" I spit out the words. "What am I supposed to remember that hasn't even happened. There isn't anything to remember. I've never met you before now."
"There are things you don't know, I guess." He folded his hands in his lap, staring at them when he spoke.
"And you do? You know these things?"
"I do," he said, inching his hand closer to mine. "I remember."
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